Ink Jet Printing

Printing Guidelines For Inkjet Printing Appointments:

Before your printing appointment, please ensure that your file meets the following specifications to ensure successful printing. To schedule an appointment please click here. All appointments require scheduling 24 hours in advance. 

Program we print from: Photoshop CC

File Types accepted: PSD or TIFF 

Colormode: RGB 

Bit Depth: 8 or 16 maximum

DPI/PPI: 360 recommended.  Maximum DPI for the inkjet printers is 360. 

ICC Profile: Adobe RGB 1998 

Layers: All layers must be flattened into a single layer

File size and image length: Less than or equal to 1.5GB and less than 6ft (182.88cm) in length 

Full Bleed Printing: The inkjet printer can produce "full bleed" prints. However, be aware that if your image width matches the paper width, around 0.11811” (3mm) from the left and right sides of your image will be trimmed. For a full image, we suggest using a larger paper size, if available, and then trimming off any excess paper.


You are welcomed to deviate from these guidelines, but please note that prints which deviate from the Grad Lab’s Printing Guidelines must be paid for regardless of the relative success of the outcome. 

Please read the rest of this page for more information on inkjet printing at the Grad Lab. 


Inkjet Printing at the Grad Lab:

Printers: The Print Lab offers Epson P20000, P9000, P9900, and P5000 inkjet printers capable of printing on roll paper ranging from 24" (609.6mm), 44” (1117.6mm), 60” (1524mm), and 64" (1625.6mm) wide. These printers can produce high-quality fine art and archival prints on our various paper types offered.

Paper: The Print Lab offers two types of paper: coated and uncoated. 


Coated paper often has a subtle sheen on its surface, while uncoated paper lacks this shine. Coated paper typically dries quickly to the touch after printing and should be handled carefully to prevent scratches or creases. Coated papers that currently we offer are: Epson Premium Luster, Epson Glossy, Epson Crystal Clear, Epson Metallic Luster, and Museo Silver Rag.

Uncoated paper takes a longer time to dry, which can vary based on factors like temperature, humidity, paper type, and ink density. As a general guideline, it's recommended to allow uncoated prints to lie flat for 2 to 3 days, or even up to a week in certain cases, for the ink to fully dry. When uncoated prints are still wet, they may exhibit uneven or splotchy black areas and are prone to easy scratching. For larger uncoated prints, it's advisable to purchase glassine paper from the Grad Lab so that the Technicians can use it to protect the prints as they move through the printer. Even after the ink on uncoated paper has dried, it remains more susceptible to surface scratches compared to coated paper and requires careful handling. Uncoated papers that currently we offer are: Epson Enhanced Matte, Epson Canvas, Epson Matte Posterboard, Epson Display Transparency, Epson Adhesive Synthetic, and Museo Portfolio Rag.


Bringing Your Own Paper: If you plan to use your own paper for printing, you are required to reach out to the Manager or Coordinator before your printing appointment. Please schedule a meeting with them to assess whether your substrate is suitable for printing on.

Pricing Guide:

Roll Papers:

  • Epson Paper Selection:

    • Glossy: $4.00 per square foot | 24” (609.6mm) and 44” (1117.6mm) width rolls available

    • Enhanced Matte: $4.00 per square foot | 24” (609.6mm), 44” (1117.6mm), and 64” (1625.6mm) width rolls available

    • Premium Luster: $4.00 per square foot | 24” (609.6mm) and 44” (1117.6mm) width rolls available

    • Display Transparency: $5.00 per square foot | 44” (1117.6mm) width rolls available

    • Crystal Clear: $5.00 per square foot | 44” (1117.6mm) width rolls available

    • Canvas: $5.00 per square foot | 44” (1117.6mm)  width rolls available

    • Adhesive Synthetic: $5.00 per square foot | 44” (1117.6mm) width rolls available

    • Metallic Luster: $5.00 per square foot | 44” (1117.6mm) width rolls available

  • Museo Paper Selection:

    • Portfolio Rag: $5.00 per square foot | 24” (609.6mm) and 44” (1117.6mm) width rolls available

    • Silver Rag: $5.00 per square foot | 24” (609.6mm), 44” (1117.6mm), and 60” (1524mm) width rolls available


Sheet Paper:

  • Epson Matte Poster Board: $4.00 per square foot | 24” X 30” (609.6mm X 762mm) and 30” X 40” (762mm X 1016mm) sheets available


Glassine Paper for Print Protection:

  • 24" (609.6mm) width roll: $0.20 per linear foot

  • 48" (1219.2mm) width roll: $0.35 per linear foot

  • 60" (1524mm) width roll: $0.50 per linear foot


Bringing Your Own Paper: 

  • $3.00 per square foot for the ink used to print your image.  If you plan to use your own substrate (store bought paper, fabric, etc.), you are required to reach out to the Manager or Coordinator before your printing appointment. Please schedule a meeting with them to assess whether your substrate is suitable for printing on.


Steps to Make an Inkjet Print at the Grad Lab:

1. Select your paper type by visiting the paper samples near the main entrance of the Grad Lab. Note that some papers are available in only one roll width. Alternatively, you can choose your paper at the time of your appointment, but please be aware of the roll width limitations and how it relates to the desired size of your image.

2. Schedule a printing appointment.  Click the "Schedule a Printing Appointment” link located in the “Printing” tab on the Grad Lab’s website. All appointments must be made at least 24 hours in advance from your desired printing time. Once your printing request is received, a technician will reach out to you via the email address.  

3. Inspect your file before your printing appointment, ensuring the following is true of your file:


  • Colormode is RGB

  • DPI/PPI is not over 360 maximum.

  • Color Bit Depth should be 8 or 16 maximum.

  • Image is sized to the length and width you need it to be.

  • All layers are flatten into one single layer.

  • ICC profile is Adobe RGB 1998.

  • Save your image as a PSD or TIFF.

4. Soft proof your file on the Lab's Proofing Stations. More information on our Soft Proofing Stations can be found here

5. Ensure enough funds on your MICARD for the print job. Load funds on your MICARD at .  Payment must be collected before printing your file. A 10% fee will be added to your print if paid with a debit/credit/contactless payment.  Cash is not accepted. 


What to Expect at Your Appointment: 

  1. The Technician running your print will ask you for your file(s).  Prepare your files on a storage drive or host them online for easy access by the Print Lab staff.

  2. The Technician running your print will ask you a series of questions aimed at ensuring the optimal quality of your print. 

  3. Before initiating the print job, the Technician will collect payment from you in full. 

  4. Once payment is collected the Technician will start your print. When the print is complete the Technician will set your print out on the main tables in Computer Lab for you to retrieve at your convenience.

  5. When you come to pick up your print you can use the Color Balanced Viewing Box for final assessment. 


Please keep in mind our Epson printers will cause distortion in print sizes if the paper length does not surpass the file size. To ensure intended image size, it is essential to include an additional 12 inches in paper length. We highly advise you to authorize the Technician to make this adjustment. Any deviation from this guideline will result in the job being classified under the "Print At Your Own Risk" category.


Print at Your Own Risk:

Experimentation is encouraged but must be discussed with the Manager or Coordinator. All prints that deviate from the Grad Lab’s Printing Guidelines must be paid for regardless of the relative success of the outcome. 


Questions or Concerns?

Address concerns with the Manager or Coordinator. Technicians are not authorized to issue refunds. 



The Grad Lab, Equipment Checkout, Computer Lab and Print Lab resources are available for students enrolled in a graduate program at MICA. An active MICA Graduate ID card is required to enter the Grad Lab, to check out equipment or to use computer and printing resources.