
The Graduate Research Lab (Grad Lab) is the primary centralized resource for graduate student digital production. The Grad Lab is comprised of a number of resources that are all geared toward providing students support for their technical endeavors. The Lab also offers a number of staffed services designed to underpin students digital production. This makes the Graduate Research Lab is a great resource for MICA graduate students interested in using technology for art making. The Grad Lab has computer workstations, an Electronics Project Room, a Print Lab, a Sound Studio,Video Editing Suites and an equipment checkout with a wide variety of video, audio, multimedia, and still camera equipment. The lab is staffed by a rotating group of Graduate Student Technical Assistants (Techs), daily operations are run by the Graduate Research Lab Coordinator and it is headed by the Graduate Research Lab Manager. Students can use the Grad Lab's resources for art making or to conduct their own research in technology through using the Lab's resources, attending workshops, making appointments for one-on-one tutorials, and through an online database of articles called "the research database" that contains information on various technologies and their use in art.



The Grad Lab, Equipment Checkout, Computer Lab and Print Lab resources are available for students enrolled in a graduate program at MICA. An active MICA Graduate ID card is required to enter the Grad Lab, to check out equipment or to use computer and printing resources.



The Graduate Research Lab is staffed by various student positions, including MICA Graduate Students working as Graduate Research Lab Student Techs, the Graduate Research Lab Assistant, and the Graduate Research Lab Documentation Room Tech. Additionally, the Lab offers two one-year, non-student, part-time positions called Graduate Research Lab Technicians. 

The Lab is also overseen by a full-time Coordinator and Manager. The staff of Graduate Student Techs expands to as many as 12 during the semester and shrinks to as few as one during interim sessions. The current list of staff is provided below.


Graduate Research Lab Manager

The Graduate Research Lab manager is tasked with overseeing the Grad Lab's physical resources, electronic assets, and the Grad Lab staff. The current Grad Lab Manager is Patrick Hunt and can be reached by phone or email through the contact information listed below.

Patrick Hunt 




Graduate Research Lab Coordinator

The Graduate Research Lab Coordinator is tasked with overseeing the Grad Lab's Print Lab, Main Lab, and Checkout. The current Grad Lab Coordinator is Lindsay D’Andelet and can be reached by phone, this site here, or email through the contact information listed below.



Graduate Research Lab Part-Time Technicians

The Graduate Research Lab Part-Time Technicians are tasked with providing support and customer service for the Graduate Research Lab’s Print Lab, Computer Lab and Checkout desk.

The following Non-Student Graduate Research Lab Technicians are currently working for the Grad Lab:

Diana Bohodukhova


Current Graduate Research Lab Student Techs

The following graduate students are currently working for the Grad Lab:

Darrin Bailey

Elicia Aceves

Teddi Kabler

Marquis Brunson

James Scarlett

Grusha Sabharwal

Madison Stafford