Long Term Reservation Request Form

The Grad Lab is pleased to offer a pilot program for long term reservations.

If you are interested in submitting a Long Term Reservation Proposal please read through the Long Term Reservation Policy and use the form below to submit a Long Term Reservation Request.



Grad Lab Long Term Reservation Policy:

  • All Long Term Reservation Proposals must be submitted at least one week in advance of the proposed reservation pickup date/time.
  • Proposals must include a clear and detailed description of the project that the equipment will be used for.
  • Proposals must also include a clear and detailed rational for why a Long Term Reservation is needed.
  • The proposed Long Term Reservation’s start and end times must fall on weekdays (Monday through Friday) within the Grad Lab’s scheduled operating hours.
  • Long Term Reservations cannot exceed 2 weeks in duration.
  • Equipment requested cannot conflict with any existing reservation.
  • Long Term Reservation Proposal approval is contingent upon availability of the equipment and staffing needed to fulfill them.
  • All Grad Lab policies apply to Long Term Reservations as outlined in the Grad Lab Terms and Conditions Form.





Long Term Reservation Request Form
Please enter your Name:
Equipment requested. Please list each Grad Lab equipment number and it's alternate(s) in a separate field:
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